"Where ? where is heaven you may ask, where is hell? what is good and what is bad , does it matter? for as time becomes the judge and our actions tributed , in the end doese it matter? Born to birth to this green and blue ball in the sky , we are trully small , one can imagine that by just picturing the universe, we can also be helpless , one would agree to that , if these are true , then life can be the wind , a wind accompanied by wild waters , our life , the living capacity of ones self : the boat, a rocking floating boat , our minds: the sail of the boat ,our genes : the body. Then within this jostle that life uptakes, where is heaven you may ask ? Heaven is where the wind blows and the sail is high , and the boat rocks with or wothout a destination the boat lives , hell then would become the isolating body to freeze the wind , and junction the boat in a still position .
Good and Bad , to my knowledge; good is hard , and bad is simple , it will forever be easier to break a glass than to make one! one can be good by simply not being bad , one can be bad by doing all the easy things , living only by ones emotions for example , as time becomes the judge and life the correction , bad will always die , and so will good, so nor good, and nor bad exist , it just is, we are what we were made to be.
As we see with our minds eye , the wider picture , never to be solved this riddle , nor discovered , pehaps well imagined throughout eternity , what is there to do then? one should not be hopeless; eventhough, we are alone , every being is alone , and must remedy the lack of perception gifted by life to it. Every human will grandly fly , grandly see , and grandly die , no exception, but the thing to do is not to be hopeless and careless , and thoughtless , no matter who we are, where we live , how we were created ( short , tall , thin , red or white) what we do matters , one can not enjoy the sunset fully if one has not tasted the snow! , and one can not fly into flying , unless they first learn to stand and walk, so we live by rules , living life ,that is the thing to do.
TIME ; a big mystery ,same day every day , untill we grow wize and break open the cracks of time! i have no more time to waist my time , on time , so fuck time , it can be ,or not be , am not , and will not give care to time, but will live within my time , it was given to me so why not use it.
LIFE; A big gift , not to be opened , not to be discovered , reality , it can help to answer most of the questions, and the basic needs. Life is what is ! and what is; only a true thing to me and you , so life is , and as long as it is , it should be lived , and not lived ( which by all means is the same as death ) not a wize thing to die , whilst still alive !
Passion , love , care , things i can do withought , a billboard on a highway as far as i am concerned , these words can create an abyss and drown the very soul of the person , to which it attracts , and has the power to give a true feeble of reality , fuck them i say , let the lovers forever dig the mountains and write sonics for one another , leave me to the poeple that may be true , and honest , forever to themselves and forever to life! show me the hand that is true, if i let it go, then i have lost.
Money ; i believe that money is not real , and it was created by humans so it can't be perfect , made from paper , which is pulp revised and colored , ( from the mother source, A TREE ) , it holds the picture of a person , a symbol by all means , some guy , or lady , to whom we not only pay respect , but these days that person can buy your way into freedom ,and the more we collect these pictures the more respect it seems to bring, you tell me ,money can not bring notion , so fuck money! just like everyhting else we ever came up with .
Tales and stories, fake relations , unwillingly throwing one's life in the turbulence of a cycle, then becoming slaves of gold , so sad , not to see , it's so sad to let a sunrise , or a sunset , pass you gone, after all ;
HEAVEN you migh ask ; heaven to me ( my imaginary heaven ), is not far away , just a glance , just a dance with the stars , just a pain , a world with no reason , a world with no government! no rules , just momments, no questions , let us live, let us get lost in the grand symphony , the symphony that will help us break open the walls of any and all prisons."
The above piece has been mailed to me by one of my best friends,Farivar,I really do appreciate your writings,if other friends like Kami wants me to post his writings,I would be delighted to do so.Thanks Farivar and awaiting for further writings.