Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Have to be honest that different matters have always affected my thoughts and goals,how I have reacted to them was always different,hope this time I would be able to manage it well again,Pray for us :-)

Monday, April 28, 2003

Has anyone seen the movie THE HOURS?what do you think of it?From my point of view,it was nice and interesting and somehow different from other films,which are mostly for wide market.It sound kind of wierd the way Virginia Woolf thought,the way she behaved and how she committed suicide,but there are some good points as well,I think I might need to see it for the 3rd time,as Goody made me think more of the film.

The film is originally made from the novel written by Michael Cunnigham,you will find a nice article about it written by the author in the official movie site,check it out here.

By the way, the soundtrack is really interesting,I enjoy it a lot,the one you are hearing now,is one of the early works of the same composer,Phillip Glass.

Saturday, April 26, 2003

How about listening to a Persian song by Mehrdad,called Mahak,listen and enjoy and check the site that has gave us the oppotunity to listen to some music,Thanks goes to A3moon.com.
Spring comes with some nice rain falls and you can feel that everything is growing and can smell the taste of life.Check the blossoms in front of my window,although there was sort of wind blowing which didn't let me take a clear snap shot but it was ok.

Friday, April 25, 2003

Try this link,it gives you a funny music clip which is adopted from Jenny from the block,by Jennifer Lopez but by another famous artist,Saddam Hossein :o)

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Here we go,my little white cat,called Sepid,a part of our family and together with Zebel give happiness to our life.

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

What would be life without it's enjoyments and the things that makes us happy?I cannot imagine living without my oets,those who are both cute and also nice and charming. Here you will see one of them,the other one would be in the next post.

I am doing this to move my thoughts from useless ones to more positive ones,so you can enjoy as well.

Monday, April 21, 2003

Today is the 23rd memorial of great persian poet,Sohrab Sepehri, who died in 1980.Read the article in BBC Persian.

Be Soraghe man agar miaeed,narm o aheste biaeed
mabada ke tarak bardarad chinie nazoke tanhaee man

Sunday, April 20, 2003

The caravan of life shall always pass
Beware that is fresh as sweet young grass
Let's not worry about what tomorrow will amass
Fill my cup again, this night will pass, alas.
(Omar Khayyam)

Friday, April 18, 2003

Thanks Kami for his song,listen to his song, Yesterday,enjoy and cheers.

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Thanks Goody for RadioFarda, with Persian and also english music and news.Try the link on the left panel.

Life is very slow thesedays but it is actually good,that you don't have much to worry about just your future,hope all of us will reach what we like and we've planned for,although there are lots of discrimination in the world of equalities.

Monday, April 14, 2003

Finally I am Free,as William Wallace wanted his and his fellow people to be FREE.But what comes next?if you say, you haven't decide yet, you will be criticised for acting like Churchil,although you have told them the truth.

Anyway,haven't had a chance to link you to any new music recently,but give me some time,I think from tomorrow I'll be more active in updating my blog.

Sunday, April 13, 2003

although some of you might have read this earlier through fishy's mail,but I find it interesting.
Bush begins his a speech to open the Olympic Games. He looks at his paper
and says:

- Oooooo! Oooooo! Oooooo! Oooooo! Oooooo!

An aid comes over and whispers: Mr. President, these are the Olympic
rings. Yourspeech is below.

Friday, April 11, 2003

Check this out in BBC website,Saddam's Yacht have been attacked by US AirForces about 10 times duirng the war,but where did he get the yacht?It was a gift from Saudi Royal Family, but what for? It was a gift for thanking Saddam for fighting Iran.So how could you not be happy that this bastard is down???Check the pictures here.
watch this clip by Ziba Shirazi called "Khone" (Home), linked from Naghmeh Website,it might take a bit to load,be patient.
Read this article about the Tagh-e-Kasra, one of the Persian Capitals located now in Iraq. (The article is in Persian)

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Read this artcile about the Lost City of Persia,click here, the Sasanids Capital,Tagh-e-Kasra.

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Thanks Kami for your call,was a very good surprise,Wish you all the best.I was tired tired tired,got some sleep now I feel more fresh.Who knows what will happen tomorrow, but I hope whatever happens, it would be in peace and harmoney.

As you can see,people are getting tired of this funny war,the news are mostly about surrounding stuff rather than the war itself,hope all this finishes soon.Ok,just updated the blog to let you know that I'm alive and I will SURVIVE :o))

Sunday, April 06, 2003

Read this article about Kaveh Golestan in BBC UK, so sad.

Friday, April 04, 2003

One who used to caputer the factuals, have been captured by insanity of dictators like Bush and Saddam.There would be just sadness for Persians and all other art lovers who knew Kaveh Golestan,God Bless Him.
thanks Fishy with the link, Republic Bierhalle, which reminds all of us those funny days in the past,Halloween, during the Football world cup, remember with whom we have been there,loads of friends that most of them are not here at the moment.My B'day as well, such a cosy place for beer lovers.

Thursday, April 03, 2003

Kaveh Golestan Killed by land mine in Iraq, God Bless him and it's just sad to see how nice and innocent people have to pay for some others stupidities.Read the article in BBC.
Have you mentioned that the interest of all the people in war news have been decreased alot!!! Most of the News Agency have been told to report to American before sending news online or on other broadcasting medias. I think Iraqis are beating good around the Bush :-)

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

so busy,deadlineeeeeeeeeeeeeees so close.

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

What is going on in this world,nobody knows, somewhere they are killing innocent people in order to save someone elses life,in another place, an american troop kills British soldiers,oh God,what's going on?

anyway,just for a change,try this link.
Check this duet performed by Bush and Blair, and enjoy.