It was a while I was looking forward to watch this film,Crash,as it had an Iranian based character in the film.Film is about racial discrimination in America and how white American's treat blacks and how they think Persian people are Arab.The Iranian character has a shop and in order to keep it safe wants to buy a gun.Due to an arguement with the gun seller,the shop owner calls him Osama! Although he doesn't speak english well,but he gets very offended.The point about the film is,there are different stories goin' on in the film but in the end they merge into each other in a nice way.It's a good watch and you will enjoy the few Persian scripts in the film as well.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Sunday, July 17, 2005

Another fantastic design by Volvo.I love Volvo S40 the new design with astonishingly well made centre console and now this new C70 which will be released in September,just took my breath away.Look at those lines on the bonnet,the very stylish cut.This model like the old C70 is coupe convertible and would be attracting loads of people to itself.To be fair Volvo has taken a huge step in their designing formula and none of their new cars have got that boring look that they used to have,a car which is very sharp looking and well priced.
Sunday, July 10, 2005

I have always been interested in Cars and automobile industry in general.Although I like everyone else like expensive cars but in the real world I prefer to stick to something that I can afford to buy.I have always has a keen eye for Renault cars and especially now a days,they are on top of my list with their creative designs and safe cars.I like the Clio which is in the market now but I found out the new Clio III would be out in October in 3door version and the 5 door would be out in Jan2006. It's a good looking little thing which I think has gots lots in common with Megane.What do you think?