Last week we had a small incident which could have been easily solved but as everything has been centralised and goes through call centres,it didn't.
The problem was our key broke in the lock,guess when?Friday evening when the weather couldn't be worse,dark and cold.I tried to get it out myself but due to lack of light and equipment,and on top of all that,freezing cold,didn't manage to do so.So,what you do is you call up a locksmith.
They took all the details and said that their contractor will call and arrange the time,
Reminder:the weather is cold we are wet and staying in the car is not very ideal.
He called,checked the address on his
Satnav and said he would be approx. 30 to 40 minutes.And just to take the key out of the lock is equal to their hourly rate of £72.00.
We sat there hoping he would be there quick,after 80 minutes,yes 1 hour and 20 minutes later,we called them up again.They said please get in touch with the contractor direct,and gave us another number.Guess what?another call centre :o) I was a bit (if you understand what I mean) frustrated. They said they will give the guy who is on his way a call and will call us back ASAP. 10 minutes later,still nothing. I couldn't believe this,so,I called them up again and again they gave me the same answer.So,I did what I thought was right and told them that I don't need them no more and cancelled it.Tried some more locksmiths,but due to bad weather they all refused to come out. So,I did what I should have done ages ago,I broke one of the small windows by the door.The amazing thing is we called somebody up to fix the window and I bought a new cylinder for the lock,and all this cost us less than £72.00. By the way,after breaking the glass,about 5 10 minutes later,MR LOCKSMITH turned up,which as you might guess faced an angry man.
i just wanted to share this nice experience with you as well,so in case,it happens to you,you know what to do,