Friday, November 24, 2006


I think there is no need to explain what on earth is happening.But that's what happened:
London - England:Engineers, Volkswagen personnel and bemused passers-by watched open-mouthed as a VW Touareg V10 TDI towed a 155-ton Boeing 747 down the auxiliary runway at Dunsfold airport, 60km south-west of London – not once but seven times.Read More

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Most Funny

The most amazing and funny thing I have seen recently. If you wanna have one,check this site: iWorld.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I think everyone is familiar with this band,specially as now they are featured in Vauxhall Corsa's advert. I found them very amusing although I am sure not everybody shares the same views with me, but everyone is different,right?

Anyway,I have made some t-shirts and tops which are available for purchase,if anybody is interested. I will be making some more tried to keep them simple to keep the costs down and make it more affordable for everyone, consindering we are going towards christmas and presents and gifts all over the place :)

So,feel free to have a look and buy some stuff,I will be adding some other designs later on when I get some time.

