Sunday, March 23, 2003

Read this interview,it has been done on 25th Feb,Channel 5 with George Michael (taken from

Kirsty Walk: George Michael a self confessed Tony Blair fan has become a vocal opponent of a Prime Minister, he claims, is turning his back on the British public and dragging this country into, what could be, an open ended conflict.

George Michael: I think this is potentially the beginning of a very long war which will not be centered around Iraq. It will be a universal war with terrorism and I think we're just about to be asked to give up our way of life, and I like my way of life.

I like Britain, I like the way we live. We have lots to be proud of and I want it to stay that way. I want to stay proud of being British. I have a horrible feeling in a few months time I'm not going to to feel proud to be British.'

Kirsty Walk: Let's talk about Mr Blair. You in the past have been very open about your support for labour. You voted Labour in 1997, you've commended Mr Blair on many personal aspects that he has. You think he's an honest man.

George Michael: Well I met him just before the 97 election. I had dinner with him at his house in Islington and I do. I think he's a very decent man but I think he's either gone crazy or he's not the decent man I thought he was underneath it? But I really believe he is. So I think it must be a matter of judgement, not a matter of intention and I think it's our job really, at this stage in time, to make it easier. It's not going to be easy by any means, but to make it easier for him to walk away from Bush because he's so scared to do that. It's so obvious he's terrified to walk away.

What does he do? He never expected to be the last man standing next to him, or the first and last, because no one ever really joined in, with the exception of Australia, and I don't think he ever expected to be in this position He looks terrified to me and I think we should help give him ... God knows he has an 'out'. The 'out' is called the UN but if he doesn't take that 'out' I think we have to give him as much of our .... you know we have to shout as loud as we can so he can turn to Bush and say I can't do this against the will of my entire country!

Kirsty Walk: Here we have this Iraqi dictator who kills, maims and murders at will. Who has run a dictatorial regime. Who is ammassing weapons of mass destruction. What do we do? Do we just stand by and say 'you know what, it's fine'?

George Michael: I'm sorry. We know that there are terrible human rights and acts of almost genocide going on constantly around the world and the world is not ... We're no longer ignorant about these things. We watch the international situation constantly and we know selective help when we see it. We know that there is a bunch of oil there which America wants to get it's hands on. I'm sorry, they're going to put it in trust for the Iraqi's? Give me a break!

Kirsty Walk: There is this debate however, in the House of Commons tomorrow. If you were one of those sceptical backbenchers talking to Mr. Blair I want to know what sort of questions you'd ask him? I want to start with the timing. What would you ask him about the timing?

George Michael: Why would we attack him and put pressure on him after all this time at the precise moment that Sharon is breaking International law and raiding Gaza on a regular basis? In other words, why would we add to the legitimacy of terrorism, if you can call it legitamicy in any fashion? Why would we in terrorist's eyes legitimise their actions by attacking at the precise moment that Sharon is doing what he is doing in Israel? I truly believe that a Christian country has absolutely no business talking about pre-emptive strikes. Where is the Christianity in a pre-emptive strike? And where at this moment in time is the logic? Why does the opinion of the men, women and children who's live's Mr Blair is putting in great danger mean nothing to him? Why does their opinion mean nothing? This is the most arrogant thing I've seen since Margaret Thatcher and I think if he continues down this route regardless of what happens with the war I think people should remember the arrogance of this and understand how un-safe that is for us.

Kirsty Walk: You speak incredibly passionately about the failings, as you see it, of Mr. Blair and his Labour Government. Do you think this will topple them? Do you hope it will topple them?

George Michael: I absolutely hope it will topple them. I think a government run by a man who is thinking with this little logic and surrounded by people, with the exception at the moment of Claire Short and Robin Cook. Surrounded by people who are behaving in the exact same way that Margaret Thatcher's lackeys were behaving in the eighties. This is not a government that deserves our support. When Labour got into power I sat up all night I was so excited! I was so excited! I thought eighteen years of my ... the entire eighteen years ... or whatever it was at the time of my adult life I'd been paying money to Thatcher and that, by that time that was a lot of money for me. And I was sitting there thinking I've got a Cruise missile with my name on it. This is not what I want.

I don't feel any different now and I find that remarkable? I mean I would never have thought I would see the day when everyone who stood up for Tony Blair either sounded like, or was, a Tory. This is a completely surreal position for most Labour voters and I think Tony Blair needs to wake up really quickly.

Kirsty Walk: One time Labour voter George Michael speaking to me at his home earlier.

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